por mgmvirtualeducation | Sep 5, 2022 | Virtual Education
At MGM Academy we bring some tips to help students to get the most from their online classes Because of the pandemic, students have learning difficulties, like not leaving home, virtualized teaching, lack of resources, etc. These are some reasons blocking students...
por mgmvirtualeducation | Jul 20, 2022 | Virtual Education
The private virtual school MGM is a good option for distance education of children Are you worried about your children’s intellectual development during this pandemic time? When dealing with the development of your children, it is natural that you want to have...
por mgmvirtualeducation | Abr 21, 2022 | Blog, Virtual Education
Virtual preschool ensures early learning for children at home, one of the essential elements of their brain development With the onset of the pandemic in the world, we took a break from the hectic life we used to lead daily. Now we spend more time as a family; we do...
por mgmvirtualeducation | Mar 18, 2022 | Blog, Virtual Education
In our virtual private school we have the best educators MGM Academy virtual private school is the best option for your child to take their elementary and high school education online. With many years of experience, we are country pioneers and leaders in virtual...
por mgmvirtualeducation | Feb 25, 2022 | Blog, Virtual Education
Keys to a good virtual or on-site education Does your child want to start his studies, but do not know if he should receive virtual or on-site education? Find out which of these two modalities is the best option in the educational field. Education is essential in...